Thursday 7 November 2013


The liver is a filter and a converter of harmful chemicals into safer substances; in this case it converts alcohol into water. The liver is constantly cleaning the blood at any given moment, filtering about thirteen percent of the body's blood at once. In doing so the liver constantly rids the body of waste and toxins. It creates cholesterol and proteins (lipoproteins) so that fats can be carried throughout the body to its proper destination for usage or storage. 

The liver creates bile which is used to remove waste and breakdown fats. It converts poisonous ammonia (waste product from liquids) into urea to be excreted in the urine. It also clears the blood of harmful drugs and substances

The liver converts excess glucose into glycogen that is stored for later usage in the muscles. It stores excess iron for hemoglobin so that it is able to carry oxygen throughout the body. It also regulates amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins which are vital to the body's maintenance.

When certain medications are taken in conjunction with alcohol, they can increase the damage done to liver, leading to a quicker onset of liver failure. This is because when mixed together they create a stronger and more harmful toxin, therefore the liver has to work harder to rid the body of both toxins. Although the liver removes most harm it is still affected by the poison it neutralizes.


Drink plenty of water all the time

Try to drink between 2-3 liters of water every day. It is the only way your liver can drive toxins out of your body. If you can, start every day with a large glass of water with the fresh juice of one to one half lemon added. Lemon helps bolster your liver’s detoxification abilities. The citric acid in lemon juice encourages the liver to produce bile, one important component that your body uses to excrete toxins.

Eat plenty of vegetables

Eat plenty of liver rebuilding foods, such as leafy greens, carrots, cabbage, Ugu (pumpkin leaf), Afang, Utazi, Efo, and other veggies. They are recommended foods when doing a liver detox. Be sure to eat enough daily. Eat lots of onions, garlic and broccoli since these vegetables contain sulfur which is required to increase the liver’s detoxification ability. Detoxification in the liver requires considerable amounts of nutrients to function properly 

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