Thursday 7 November 2013

THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY (TGIF): Will you be indulging in Alcohol?

Friday without Alcohol? Seriously? I never hear am before o. That is why i bring you this life saving information.

In the process of making beverage alcohol, they begin with a natural non drug liquid. If taken into the body in it's natural state, this liquid will have a beneficial reaction on the cells of the body(example grape-juice). However in changing it from a natural state into alcohol, it has to go through a process called fermentation, a process of bacterial action that causes the natural liquid to break down and decay.the end product of fermentation is alcohol. It can then be purchased as beer, wine or liquor.

When alcohol is taken into the body , it not only temporarily affects the functioning of the brain but does irreparable damage to the cells, membranes and tissues as it travels through the body. In fact it literally destroys body cells while raising havoc with the liver.

If you continue to to use alcohol over a period of time, the liver cells start to die in increasing numbers and these living cells are replaced with scar tissues. As the use of alcohol continues, the liver enlarges and then in the advance stages of it's demise, the liver starts to shrivel and is unable to function. Once the liver reaches this state, an irreversible point has been reached and death is not far off.
Rev George Malkmus, Why Christians get sick

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