Thursday, 4 February 2016


Ginger: This ancient root induces a process called apoptosis– cancer cells commit suicide and leave the rest of the healthy cells around them unharmed. In essence, the cancer cells eat themselves instead of healthy tissue. Though human trials are planned, the effectiveness against ovarian cancer cells in lab animals has researchers excited to get started. Add to soups and sauces. Also soothing in teas and broths during intensive cancer treatment.
Limiting refined sugars, saturated fats, and red meats from your diet are also excellent ways to boost your immunity, lower the toxicity in your system, and give your body the potent fuel it needs to keep fighting the good fight.


The main culprits of deadening sugar include: white sugar and flour, sweetened and processed foods, and fast food. The way these break down in the body (compared to natural sources of fructose from fruit), is that they cause an increase of hormones to be released (specifically insulin), and in effect, signal for Cancer cells to feed and continue to grow in size.
We are consuming more sugar than ever in history and it is only getting worse. The more we eat, the more we want, and our overall health is reflecting our food choices.

Photo Credit: Nutritional solutions


'We can. I can.' That is the tagline for the 2016 World Cancer Day on 4 February. Marking the 10th anniversary of the global awareness campaign, the aim this year is to prove that every single person can make a difference in the fight against cancer.
World Cancer Day is part of the World Cancer Campaign, adopted following the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium. This summit took place on 4 February 2000, and subsequently the first ever World Cancer Day was pencilled in for 4 February 2006. That tradition has continued every year, and the custom does not stop in 2016.
With this year's 'We can. I can.' campaign, awareness will be raised to show the public that everyone can play a role in battling cancer. For example;
We can.
  • Stop myths that lead to stigma against cancer patients
  • Encourage schools to educate children on how to prevent cancer
  • Demand governments increase funding for cancer treatment facilities
I can.
  • Stop smoking for good
  • Learn about the signs and symptoms linked to cancer
  • Return back to work after cancer treatment, to give it the biggest insult of all