Wednesday, 6 November 2013


When it comes to diabetes, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is considered one of the most important things you can do to defend yourself from long-term complications associated with the disease. In most cases, doctors will prescribe prescription drugs to help normalize blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, these medications are often accompanied by a long list of harmful and unnecessary side effects.In the words of alternative medicine proponent Dr. Joseph M. Mercola, “taking drugs for type 2 diabetes can be far worse than the disease itself!”

According to Mercola, “Drugs used to lower blood sugar may increase your risk of death from all causes by 19 percent and your risk of cardiovascular mortality by 43 percent”

For  example, a drug called Avandia, which was prescribed to tens of thousands of diabetes patients in the late 90’s, resulted in more than 80,000 diabetics suffering from strokes, heart failure or other complications. Still, it took nearly 10 years for the FDA in America to take action and restrict access to this deadly drug!When dangerous side-effects routinely accompany prescription medications, why allow yourself to be the pharmaceutical industry’s guinea pig?

We encourage you to consider a different approach – one that focuses on supporting the body through diet instead of drugs - The only method that has the ability to naturally regulate blood sugar levels while sustaining your overall health.

Hallelujah Acres Health News

So how does one get started on a plan to prevent or reverse diabetes?

Well, according to Dr. Neal Barnard, there are three simple steps as follows:

1.      Begin to move to a vegan diet. A whole foods plant only diet contains no animal fat so there are no animal saturated fats or cholesterol that can cause insulin sensitivity. Some say well can I just move from beef to chicken? The leanest beef is 29% of calories from the fat and the leanest chicken is 23%. So, it is not a big enough difference. Also, some fish is slightly lower in fat and some higher (such as Chinook salmon which is 50% of calories from the fat) while on the other hand, plants are 1 – 8% fat which is a far better choice. Furthermore, a diet high in animal protein and saturated fat contribute to heart disease, some cancers, and in a Harvard University nurses’ health study, they found that the number one factor that contributed to loss of kidney function was animal protein in the diet. Plant protein is easier on the kidneys. This matters because kidney damage is a concern for people with diabetes as 40% of people with the disease already have lost some kidney function.

2.     Choose foods that are naturally low in fat. As we know from above, these are plant foods. But watch too your oil intake. Yes olive oil is from a plant but it is not a whole food (an olive) it is processed. Yes, it may be a good choice for an oil but try to remember that fat is the densest source of calories. Fat has more calories than a carbohydrate (fat is 9 calories per gram and a carb is 4 calories). Again, countries that eat a lot of rice as part of a low-fat diet have very little diabetes (and other food related illnesses for that matter).

3.     Do consider foods that are low in the glycemic index. A high GI food causes blood sugar to rise rapidly like white bread and even wheat bread, sugar, cold cereals and puffed grains, which are all an issue. Oatmeal is fine as long as it is not loaded with added sugar.  Yams and small red-skin potatoes are fine. In terms of fruit, try to be careful with pineapple and watermelon as they seem to be the highest in GI amongst the fruit choices. Your better choices are beans, sweet potatoes, a wide variety of vegetables. Pasta has a surprisingly low glycemic index, according to Dr. Andrew Weil, especially when it is cooked al dente (or just barely tender)! You may notice your blood sugar rises a bit after having pasta but as days and weeks go by, your insulin sensitivity is going to improve. So, use the glycemic index as a guide in addition to a vegan and low fat diet.

In summary, fill your plate with an abundance of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans, peas, nuts and seeds and avoid animal protein. Also, eliminate or try to avoid as much as possible, white or wheat breads, all forms of simple sugar, cold cereals, white potatoes, pineapple and watermelon and be sure to cut back on added oils.
Be sure to design a low fat plant based diet that meets your individual needs and preferences.

Make sure your doctor knows that you are improving your diet and use your glucose meter. If you feel shaky you want to catch it quickly and have Doc lower your medications.



NO! NO! NO! Seriously! It is not. I held unto this age long belief too until I found out the truth and proved it.
Dr. Neal Barnard says, for years our medical focus has been on the carbohydrates found in sugars and how they build up in the blood. But have an exciting new insight - we recognize that the body should be able to handle the sugars and it can do if the hormone insulin is working properly.
Insulin is like a doorman or an Usher (if you like). It is a hormone made in the pancreas and it waits there to escort sugar to the cells. When it’s working correctly, the sugar that comes down the bloodstream can go right into cells of the body. Insulin opens the doors of the cell, puts the sugar into the cell and closes the door.

The problem is that our diets are so often fatty that the door knob is covered in grease. Insulin’s hand is slipping on this greasy door knob. It can’t open it up. The sugar builds up in the blood unable to enter the cell.

What should YOU do?

The solution is a change of diet! Let’s get that greasy food put of our diet and bring in vegetables, fruits and healthful foods. Suddenly, that doorknob is all cleaned up. The insulin is waiting. It opens the door, the sugar goes right in and the insulin closes the door- that’s what we call insulin sensitivity.

The TRUTH (You know) sets you free

The new approach says if we get the greasy foods out of our diet, bring in vegetables and fruits in as natural a state as possible, we restore the body’s natural insulin sensitivity or as close to it as we can get. That’s going to do two things: it can prevent the likelihood of adult onset diabetes; if you have it, you can reduce your use for medicines and if you are like most people get off your drugs completely.

3,165.31 million Nigerians between the ages of 20 and 79 years have diabetes

In the Guardian newspapers of 6th November 2013, it was reported on the front page that ‘Africa has highest diabetes rate’ according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).
A country by country summary table by IDF for 2012 showed that 3,165.31 million Nigerians between the ages of 20 and 79 years have diabetes, while 2,532.25 million Nigerians living with the condition are unaware and undiagnosed. It also showed that the country lost 88,681 persons in 2012 due to diabetes-related illnesses and has a 4.83 per cent comparative prevalence according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standard.
  The IDF Diabetes Atlas also noted that half of people who die from diabetes are under the age of 60and the number of people with the disease is increasing in every country. 
I want to say something here that you may never have heard before “the primary cause of adult-onset diabetes is not sugar, although sugar aggravates the problem. It’s not the person’s pancreas that is unable to produce enough insulin. The problem is caused by the saturated fat (from animal products) which is coating the cells and not allowing the insulin to break through to the insulin receptors within the cell. When you remove the fat from your diet, the fat can no longer continue to cover the cells; then insulin which the body is naturally producing works fine. You need no more insulin!”
Please if you have Diabetes, don’t be afraid (trust me) it is reversible. I will tell you how subsequently. If you don’t know you have diabetes, please go to a nearby hospital or clinic and ask to do a blood sugar test. If you know you don’t have diabetes, please do all you can to keep it away by heeding the advice OSES IS TALKING will bring to you.